Headwaters of the Assiniboine
Town of Preeceville
The Town has received an application from a union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (“CUPE”) to represent certain town employees. The Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board is considering the application, and the Town is following all of the proper steps that need to be taken. The Board has ordered a vote of certain Town employees, to determine whether CUPE has sufficient support for the application to issue a certification. The CUPE application will not have any effect on Town services, and we will continue to operate as normal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Town.
Operating Hours May 1st - October
Tues and Thurs: 3pm - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
October - May
Tues and Thurs: 1pm - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
For more landfill information contact:
The town of Preeceville has so much going on, it is hard to keep up! Check the events happening in our community over the next few months on the Calendar page.
If you have a non-commercial community or club event coming up, submit your event to be included in the calendar.
The Town Newsletter for September/October has information about upcoming events.
Previous newsletters can be found on the Recreation page.